While some countries celebrate International Women’s Day with a public holiday, others may simply ignore it, or give it politically correct lip service. Same for organisations. Some have big events and spend big money. Others just reiterate key themes – this year’s being “#BetterforBalance”. Nice in theory – but sadly, less in practice. Some women feel more connected with their female colleagues while others feel that the day has no real long-term benefit. A bit like a gluten free biscuit on a bed of full cream chocolate. Why is it that we need to celebrate on one day, believing this will make a change but typically go back to business as usual the next? Why doesn’t the impact last? Are we taking too long to attain lasting results? What can we do to take IWD off the annual calendar and make it a daily celebration? Tooting our horn loudly one day a year dwarfs other efforts. Every day should be about being better – not just for balance but for ourselves.
If you are serious about making change sustainable and rewarding but don’t know how to get there, let us help you.
We specialise in helping aspiring female women lead with conviction, courage and care
Speak to me on 0419 839 994 or email me directly ricky@rickynowak.com to discuss how I can help you through coaching or customising a program for your business.
#BetterforBalance #leadershipisindividual #iwd2019 #leadership #genderneutral #perfectbalance