Leadership Interviews & Insights2024-08-02T03:39:46+00:00

Leadership Interviews & Insights

for great leaders, teams and workplaces

Ricky’s Insights

Blogs, webinars and podcasts

1510, 2019

What makes a great leader, leading a great team?

By |October 15th, 2019|Articles, Communication, Resilience|

Strong, connected teams recognise vulnerabilities in their co-workers. They protect and support each other. They trust one another and they don’t judge. They understand that we’re all human and showing vulnerability is a courageous attribute. They help to create safe conversations and build safe trusted workplaces. They know that what happens on the bus stays on the bus. Trust is a powerful tool. When people don’t trust each other, when they break confidentiality, or publicly humiliate others, they isolate each other and lower morale, causing depression and anxiety among the troops – the strong smart team is compromised, trust is [...]

1210, 2019

Do you have a strong, connected, emotionally intelligent team?

By |October 12th, 2019|Articles, Emotional intelligence|

As we steam ahead into the end of the year, it’s a critical time to reflect on what sort of year it’s been for your staff and your business. How’s it all tracking? KPI’s, endless pressures and increasing unrealistic deadlines tend to see us all too often just tick the boxes, skimming over the real stuff – the stuff that makes your business tick – your people, their achievements, successes and the challenges they face. The fact is; without strong, connected, emotionally intelligent leadership, you won’t have a strong, connected, emotionally intelligent team behind you – your business will never [...]

809, 2019

Why are we so hungry for fake news?

By |September 8th, 2019|Articles, Communication|

When will Australians cease being hungry for fake or perceived news rather than facts? Who do we need to listen to? Why don’t we have a balanced perspective on risk and reward? What is it about fear that makes us so greedy for worse case scenarios? Shouldn’t we be combining our 21st-century skills and technology, and focusing on our work, purpose and the contribution we can make now if things do go pear-shaped? We’re lucky Aussies – privileged to work in a country that’s safe, diverse and innovative, and affords people the chance to do good and be good. Let’s [...]

608, 2019

From Retired to Rewired

By |August 6th, 2019|Leadership|

“You are coming to towards the end of your life ‘career’ but do you really need to or want to retire? What about taking some time to collect your thought and look at how you can commercialise and harness your skills amassed over a lifetime, and perhaps discover a whole new you! – rewired you" As a nation we have become obsessed with the idea of early retirement.  While some may swoon in delight as they swap briefcases for boardshorts, corporate cocktails for cruises and spreadsheets for sprouts, there are others that view it as a rite of passage and [...]

807, 2019

The role of open communication in a business

By |July 8th, 2019|Communication|

As a leader, you need to be able to provide innovative and resourceful solutions that stimulate your team to think and work more efficiently. But more than that, you must be transparent when communicating with people to create a powerful leadership culture that encourages richer contribution and deeper commitment. The key management qualities that turn good people into great leaders include Trustworthiness, Depth, and Clarity. These building blocks lay the foundation that fosters genuine support and loyalty in any organisation, and they all contribute to creating a work environment with transparent communication. Taking an in-depth and open communication approach provides [...]

1605, 2019

What are our politicians really fighting for?

By |May 16th, 2019|Leadership|

Right now, it’s a fight for male dominance rather than ‘may the best man win’. Australia is one of the strongest and safest countries in the world, yet our politicians are playing out their fight like two caged chooks. Shorten is fighting with his endless shoulder shrugs, half laughs, eye brow lifts and eye rolls. ScoMo is fighting back with bullish comments, no eye contact, no leaning in, and somehow I get a feeling of a greater distance between him and us – not really a good look when he’s known for being composed, friendly and a family man. So, [...]

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