Resilient leaders are well aware that just like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others, they need to care for themselves first. So, how’re you tracking? Are you busy being brave, stretching yourself too thin while struggling from within? Do your colleagues and peers think of you as a resilient leader? Does your team see you as professional, motivated, confident and focused, yet always approachable? Change is undeniable, the pace is relentless and there’s no stopping progress – it’s not about just keeping up anymore, it’s about being on the front foot – being proactive rather than reactive. Are you embracing sustainable change in your business? Do you really identify with your team – their individual strengths and weaknesses? Your people are the leaders of tomorrow and they’re watching you. They want opportunities to learn, grow and advance. Do you share their vision and work with each and every one of them to ensure they’ll become resilient and successful leaders in the businesses of tomorrow? If not, then you’ve got some work to do to become 2020-ready.

Decide whether you should still take on everyone’s emergencies or let them know what you can do and what you can’t do. A good leader shows strength by saying no and protecting themselves first. This may make it easier…

Use the 3 letters of a PhD to help you remember how to say no.

  1. How can I help you negotiate a Partial solution?
  2. Can you Help me do something I have committed to so I can free up time to help you.
  3. Can I find another Date to work around that would be ok.

Each year I help leaders and businesses communicate, connect and excel in volatile and changing times. If you would like to improve your results let us help you achieve success now!

About the author : Ricky Nowak

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