Strong, connected teams recognise vulnerabilities in their co-workers. They protect and support each other. They trust one another and they don’t judge. They understand that we’re all human and showing vulnerability is a courageous attribute. They help to create safe conversations and build safe trusted workplaces. They know that what happens on the bus stays on the bus. Trust is a powerful tool. When people don’t trust each other, when they break confidentiality, or publicly humiliate others, they isolate each other and lower morale, causing depression and anxiety among the troops – the strong smart team is compromised, trust is in tatters, the team becomes toxic and the workplace unhealthy. Research shows that every dollar spent on supporting and managing workplace mental health yields close to a 500% return in improved productivity. Today’s workforce is diverse and exceptional managers recognise that diversity. Developing and nurturing team health, trust, integrity and respect within your team takes time, effort and emotional intelligence – it takes strong leadership. As a leader, are you investing in yourself and your team? Do you embrace your team’s diversity? Are you open and honest about your own experiences and practice what you preach? Are you that human who is leading the way? Or do you need help to build a 2020-ready strong, smart team of engaged, loyal, trusting and connected employees? You’re not alone.

Each year I help leaders of all kinds to communicate and connect to their people, businesses and community so they are equipped with the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required to excel in volatile and changing times. I specialise in creating a blended learning experience including short interactive workshops, pre and online work, psychometric testing and surveys, video and webinars, face to face sessions and coaching as well as conference seminars and keynotes. If you’re serious about meeting expectations and building greater resilience into your work, take action and control – here’s the first tip – don’t leave it to others to make a decision on your behalf. Here’s the second tip – Put on your own oxygen mask first before you help others.

About the author : Ricky Nowak

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