In leadership, as in everything in life, there are followers and there are... Leaders - true leaders, who set the agenda and make the running. It is no longer good enough, if indeed it ever was, to do what everyone else is doing. Organisations need to stay one step ahead of the game if they are to survive and grow. The key to ongoing success is leadership, and the key to successful leadership is being able to see the wave coming and positioning yourself and your people to catch it and enjoy the ride of a lifetime, rather than waiting until it's too late and getting wiped out. In How to make Good People Great Leaders you will find a wealth of information on various aspects of true leadership, including: * Dealing with Change * Innovation & Creativity * Communication Skills * Mentoring * Staff Engagement * Performance Appraisal * Networking If you're serious about creating a sustainable competitive advantage and opportunities for the future, this book will help you and your people become Leaders of the Future.